Wednesday 23 March 2022
EV status in India
A total of 2.76 million four-wheel passenger vehicles were sold in India in 2021 with only a 0.45% electric vehicle (EV) penetration.
Wednesday 23 February 2022
ASEAN auto industry status, 2021
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the seventh largest automotive manufacturing hub worldwide, produced a total of 3.5 million vehicles in 2021, exceeding the volume of 2.85 million units in 2020.
Tuesday 22 February 2022
EV Watch, 2021-2025
Based on DIGITIMES Research's observations on the global electric vehicle (EV) market, in contrast to the weaker-than-expected overall car sales, EV sales exhibited prominent growth in 2021.
Thursday 17 February 2022
SiC components in EVs
Despite the higher costs of SiC semiconductor components compared to silicon ones, automakers still embrace them for their low power loss, high withstand voltage, heat resistance and high frequency characteristics.