
Global server shipment forecast and industry analysis, 2023

Frank Kung, DIGITIMES Research, Taipei 0

Credit: DIGITIMES Asia

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Amid a weak global economy, server brands and China-based server vendors will only have limited shipment growth in 2023 while cloud services providers will expand their data centers on a smaller scale compared to 2022.

The global server market continued to enjoy strong demand from large data center operators in 2022. On top of that, robust demand for cloud services and hybrid working schedules after the easing of the pandemic and the stable supply of ICs and components in the second half also boosted full-year 2022 global server shipments by 6.1% from a year ago.

Going into 2023, amid a weak global economy, server brands and China-based server vendors will only have limited shipment growth while cloud services providers will expand their data centers on a smaller scale compared to 2022. As such, DIGITIMES Research adjusted the forecast on 2023 global server shipment growth downward from 5.2% made in September to 4.3%.

The four leading North American data center operators' 2022 server procurements are expected to all show a double-digit growth from the low comparison base in 2021 when the server supply was seriously undermined by mixed levels of IC and component shortages.

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    Price: NT$39,000 (approx. US$1,300)